Use this page to support your event communication and marketing efforts during the yearlong celebration.
About the Paul Robeson Centennial
In 2019, Rutgers marks the centennial anniversary of Paul Robeson's graduation from Rutgers College in 1919. In recognition, our community honors his achievements as a scholar, athlete, actor, singer, and global activist in a yearlong celebration featuring lectures, performances, art exhibitions, and more.
Grant Funding and Approval Process for Robeson Centennial Events
Planning for your upcoming Paul Robeson Centennial event? The university is offering micro-grants up to $1,500 to help co-fund events that are consistent with the celebration’s guiding principles (below).
In addition, all events must be approved by the centennial committee to be an official Paul Robeson Centennial celebration event. If you have a scheduled event that fits within the celebration's principles, it may be eligible to be an official Paul Robeson Centennial event. The application process has closed.
Guiding Principles for Robeson Centennial Events and Activities
Paul Robeson Centennial events and activities:
- Should showcase, acknowledge, and honor important Rutgers milestones and individuals that embodied Robeson’s legacy of resilience, activism, and inclusion.
- Should showcase Rutgers’s commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity.
- Should make an appropriate connection between the University’s past history, current programs and activities, and future plans.
- Should be designed to be of interest to a wide variety of audiences (e.g. students, faculty, alumni, New Brunswick/Piscataway/Somerville communities, and other.)
- Must follow the branding guidelines.
- May be funded from existing department or office budgets, special events fees charges to event participants, Centennial Grant, or special funding provided by the Chancellor’s Office.
Paul Robeson Centennial Graphics
We have prepared graphics for commercial printing, web, and digital in several color variations and formats. Please DO NOT alter the marks in any way.
The Paul Robeson Centennial logo will be used exclusively during the centennial anniversary year—January 2019 through December 2019. The official Rutgers signature of the participating school or department must be used in conjunction with the Paul Robeson Centennial logo. Graphics for the web can be used with any social media posts. Be sure to include #Robeson100.
Download the graphics package [.ZIP] (includes PNG and EPS files) [Requires NetID]